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Mastering the Art of Oversubscription Through Referrals

You might think it’s odd coming from a referral expert like me, but here’s the truth: you need to be oversubscribed by referral. I’ve been diving into Daniel Priestley’s book Oversubscribe lately, and it’s got me fired up about marketing your business in a whole new way.

First things first, ditch that passive referral mindset. It’s time to get active, folks. Control the top of your sales funnel — I’m talking about those potential clients who are interested in what you’re offering. Your goal? Have more prospects than you can handle in a year. That’s right, aim high!

Here’s where it gets good. When you’re oversubscribed, you can charge what you’re worth. Whether you’re selling copiers or high-end financial plans, price yourself excellently. Become the obvious choice.

To read the full article, subscribe to Can I Borrow Your Car on Substack.

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