There was a tremendous post on LinkedIn recently by Mark Stouse, shared by my friend Timothy Hughes from DLA Ignite, that prompted this week’s post for my paid subscribers:
AI is giveth, and it can and will taketh away…
“Net / net, the potential of a super-technology is that whatever you can do with it against me, I can thwart using the same tech. We’re already seeing this with AI.” (Mark Stouse)
I have watched with escalating waves of horror and dismay as the financial services industry (and most others) has continued to play an arms race with technology around leveraging targeted marketing (email et al.). This doesn’t surprise me, as most people are incredibly ignorant about true business development in our industry and are also incredibly sales-adverse and lazy. Ignorance and lack of work ethic are a recipe for disaster, folks.
To my joy and wonder, AI has come along and is going to really, really enhance the value of the ‘AI’ that I advocate for and, on a personal level, hold at the core of my professional and personal belief systems: AI (for me) = Ancient Intelligence.
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